Knowledge management
Connect to your data and get questions answered instantly
Integrate with your own data and make it instantly discoverable across the business. Centralize all requests for policies, documents and repeatable queries.
Integrations: Connect with google drive, notion and many other sources to draw from your data
Observability and monitoring: Review and audit your AIs responses so you can ensure its acccurate.
Triage and routing
Triage critical jobs and find the right person
Analyse thousands of emails, messages and tasks to flag the ones that are critical and need your teams attention. Mission critical for teams with high volumes of routine interactions with users and their data.
Inbox triage: Set your rules and have your messages ranked by criticality to ensure you get to the right ones first.
Litigation alerts: Scan inbound emails and their attachments to notify you when inbound communications require instant access.
Compliance workflows
Complete compliance workflows in seconds
Process privacy questionnaires or RFPs, draft DPIAs and respond almost instantly to SARs and privacy queries from users.
DPIA: Accelerate the processing of DPIAs from hours to minutes
Privacy questionnaires: Process repeatable questions rapidly with exceptional quality